Make Your Own Damn Movie! Secrets of a Renegade Director

Make Your Own Damn Movie! Secrets of a Renegade Director
by Lloyd Kaufman, with Adam Jahnke and Trent Haaga
(published by St. Martin’s Press)
Sick of all the cookie-cutter plots in Hollywood films?Â
Do you walk out of a movie theater and say, I can do better than that, but have no idea how?
Lloyd Kaufman, president of Troma Entertainment and creator of the The Toxic Avenger, says, Make Your Own Damn Movie!
Make Your Own Damn Movie! packs three decades of cinematic know-how into one fantastic book that shows how to take your truly independent vision form conception to completion! Make Your Own Damn Movie! is a hilarious yet informative crash course in filmmaking, written for anyone who has ever wanted to make movies but didnt know how! Using real-life examples from Kaufmans own thirty years in the business, Make Your Own Damn Movie! illustrates step by step:
- Financing! (getting the money)
- Scriptwriting!
- Budgeting!
- Getting cast and crew for no money!
- Pre-production!
- Production!
- Post-production! (Finishing the movie… see, you are learning already!)
- Marketing your own damn movie!
Using the world-famous Troma System of filmmaking and marketing-which has brought you films like , Trey Parker’s Cannibal! The Musical, and Kevin Costner in Sizzle Beach USA, you will be making your own damn movie in no time.
In typical Troma fashion, Make Your Own Damn Movie! is both informative and entertaining. So whether you want to learn how to make movies or read about how Lloyd Kaufman convinces actors and actresses to get naked for little or no money, Make Your Own Damn Movie! is the book for you!